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Sunday 7th November

HSPU EMOM x 10 minutes

  • Option 1: 5-10 Strict HSPU

  • Option 2: Floor pike HSPU 5 reps

  • Option 3: Floor pike HSPU Negative 2 reps with 3 seconds negative each rep

HS walk EMOM x 10 minutes

  • Option 1 25-50ft HS walk

  • Option 2 Wall facing shoulder taps 20 reps

  • Option 3 Wall facing weight shifts: 10-20 reps

Core finisher

  • 4 Tuck ups

  • 8 Seconds Tuck hollow hold

  • 12 Alternating leg V-ups

  • 16 Seconds Straddle hold

*Rest 1:00 between rounds

**Complete 3-5 rounds

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