Ring strength
Alternate between A1 and A2 x 6 rounds (3 on each)
A1: Top ring support hold (scale to feet assisted) 20 seconds work / 40 seconds rest
A2: Bottom ring support hold (scale to feet assisted) seconds work / 40 seconds rest
Ring strength
Alternate between B1 and B2
EMOM x 8 minutes (4 on each)
B1: False grip Assisted ring pull-up: 3-6 reps
B2: Assisted Ring transition switches: 6-8 reps
EMOM x 15 minutes
A: Strict ring muscle-up: 2-5 reps (scale to ring dips / fixed bar dips or low ring push up 5-10 reps)
B: Wall climb: 2-4 reps
C: GHD sit-up: 15 reps (scale to gymnastic tuck-up)